16 research outputs found

    Neutron Moderation in the Oklo Natural Reactor and the Time Variation of alpha

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    In the analysis of the Oklo (gabon) natural reactor to test for a possible time variation of the fine structure constant alpha, a Maxwell-Boltzmann low energy neutron spectrum was assumed. We present here an analysis where a more realistic spectrum is employed and show that the most recent isotopic analysis of samples implies a non-zero change in alpha, over the last two billion years since the reactor was operating, of \Delta\alpha/\alpha\geq 4.5\times 10^{-8} (6\sigma confidence). Issues regarding the interpretation of the shifts of the low energy neutron resonances are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; version 2 included reference to Flambaum/Shuryak work and corrects error in abstract version three corrects a few points and adds discussion on hydrogen and impurity concentration

    Towards a sensitive search for variation of the fine structure constant using radio-frequency E1 transitions in atomic dysprosium

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    It has been proposed that the radio-frequency electric-dipole (E1) transition between two nearly degenerate opposite-parity states in atomic dysprosium should be highly sensitive to possible temporal variation of the fine structure constant (α\alpha) [V. A. Dzuba, V. V. Flambaum, and J. K. Webb, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 59}, 230 (1999)]. We analyze here an experimental realization of the proposed search in progress in our laboratory, which involves monitoring the E1 transition frequency over a period of time using direct frequency counting techniques. We estimate that a statistical sensitivity of |\adota| \sim 10^{-18}/yr may be achieved and discuss possible systematic effects that may limit such a measurement.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Scalar-Tensor Gravity and Quintessence

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    Scalar fields with inverse power-law effective potentials may provide a negative pressure component to the energy density of the universe today, as required by cosmological observations. In order to be cosmologically relevant today, the scalar field should have a mass mϕ=O(1033eV)m_\phi = O(10^{-33} {\mathrm eV}), thus potentially inducing sizable violations of the equivalence principle and space-time variations of the coupling constants. Scalar-tensor theories of gravity provide a framework for accommodating phenomenologically acceptable ultra-light scalar fields. We discuss non-minimally coupled scalar-tensor theories in which the scalar-matter coupling is a dynamical quantity. Two attractor mechanisms are operative at the same time: one towards the tracker solution, which accounts for the accelerated expansion of the Universe, and one towards general relativity, which makes the ultra-light scalar field phenomenologically safe today. As in usual tracker-field models, the late-time behavior is largely independent on the initial conditions. Strong distortions in the cosmic microwave background anisotropy spectra as well as in the matter power spectrum are expected.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Limits on Cosmological Variation of Strong Interaction and Quark Masses from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Cosmic, Laboratory and Oklo Data

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    Recent data on cosmological variation of the electromagnetic fine structure constant from distant quasar (QSO) absorption spectra have inspired a more general discussion of possible variation of other constants. We discuss variation of strong scale and quark masses. We derive the limits on their relative change from (i) primordial Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN); (ii) Oklo natural nuclear reactor, (iii) quasar absorption spectra, and (iv) laboratory measurements of hyperfine intervals.Comment: 10 pages 2 figurs: second version have several references added and some new comment

    Quintessence and variation of the fine structure constant in the CMBR

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    We study dependence of the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum on the value of the fine structure constant α\alpha and the equation of state of the dark energy component of the total density of the universe. We find that bounds imposed on the variation of α\alpha from the analysis of currently available CMB data sets can be significantly relaxed if one also allows for a change in the equation of state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Several references added and a few minor typos corrected in the revised versio

    The Equivalence Principle and the Constants of Nature

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    We briefly review the various contexts within which one might address the issue of ``why'' the dimensionless constants of Nature have the particular values that they are observed to have. Both the general historical trend, in physics, of replacing a-priori-given, absolute structures by dynamical entities, and anthropic considerations, suggest that coupling ``constants'' have a dynamical nature. This hints at the existence of observable violations of the Equivalence Principle at some level, and motivates the need for improved tests of the Equivalence Principle.Comment: 12 pages; invited talk at the ISSI Workshop on the Nature of Gravity: Confronting Theory and Experiment in Space, Bern, Switzerland, 6-10 October 2008; to appear in Space Science Review

    Charge conservation and time-varying speed of light

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    It has been recently claimed that cosmologies with time dependent speed of light might solve some of the problems of the standard cosmological scenario, as well as inflationary scenarios. In this letter we show that most of these models, when analyzed in a consistent way, lead to large violations of charge conservation. Thus, they are severly constrained by experiment, including those where cc is a power of the scale factor and those whose source term is the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. In addition, early Universe scenarios with a sudden change of cc related to baryogenesis are discarded.Comment: 4 page

    Cosmological Variation of the Fine Structure Constant from an Ultra-Light Scalar Field: The Effects of Mass

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    Cosmological variation of the fine structure constant α\alpha due to the evolution of a spatially homogeneous ultra-light scalar field (mH0m \sim H_0) during the matter and Λ\Lambda dominated eras is analyzed. Agreement of Δα/α\Delta \alpha/\alpha with the value suggested by recent observations of quasar absorption lines is obtained by adjusting a single parameter, the coupling of the scalar field to matter. Asymptotically α(t)\alpha(t) in this model goes to a constant value αˉα0\bar{\alpha} \approx \alpha_0 in the early radiation and the late Λ\Lambda dominated eras. The coupling of the scalar field to (nonrelativistic) matter drives α\alpha slightly away from αˉ\bar{\alpha} in the epochs when the density of matter is important. Simultaneous agreement with the more restrictive bounds on the variation Δα/α|\Delta \alpha/\alpha| from the Oklo natural fission reactor and from meteorite samples can be achieved if the mass of the scalar field is on the order of 0.5--0.6 HΛH_\Lambda, where HΛ=ΩΛ1/2H0H_\Lambda = \Omega_\Lambda^{1/2} H_0. Depending on the scalar field mass, α\alpha may be slightly smaller or larger than α0\alpha_0 at the times of big bang nucleosynthesis, the emission of the cosmic microwave background, the formation of early solar system meteorites, and the Oklo reactor. The effects on the evolution of α\alpha due to nonzero mass for the scalar field are emphasized. An order of magnitude improvement in the laboratory technique could lead to a detection of (α˙/α)0(\dot{\alpha}/\alpha)_0.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures Version 2: The Oklo event is now considered as localized in time. The initial conditions for the scalar field have been refined. The numbers in the Table have been recomputed. Added Ref

    Constraints on the Variations of the Fundamental Couplings

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    We reconsider several current bounds on the variation of the fine-structure constant in models where all gauge and Yukawa couplings vary in an interdependent manner, as would be expected in unified theories. In particular, we re-examine the bounds established by the Oklo reactor from the resonant neutron capture cross-section of 149Sm. By imposing variations in \Lambda_{QCD} and the quark masses, as dictated by unified theories, the corresponding bound on the variation of the fine-structure constant can be improved by about 2 orders of magnitude in such theories. In addition, we consider possible bounds on variations due to their effect on long lived \alpha- and \beta-decay isotopes, particularly 147Sm and 187Re. We obtain a strong constraint on \Delta \alpha / \alpha, comparable to that of Oklo but extending to a higher redshift corresponding to the age of the solar system, from the radioactive life-time of 187Re derived from meteoritic studies. We also analyze the astrophysical consequences of perturbing the decay Q values on bound state \beta-decays operating in the s-process.Comment: 25 pages, latex, 5 eps figure

    Further evidence for a variable fine-structure constant from Keck/HIRES QSO absorption spectra

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    [Abridged] We previously presented evidence for a varying fine-structure constant, alpha, in two independent samples of Keck/HIRES QSO spectra. Here we present a detailed many-multiplet analysis of a third Keck/HIRES sample containing 78 absorption systems. We also re-analyse the previous samples, providing a total of 128 absorption systems over the redshift range 0.2<z_abs<3.7. All three samples separately yield consistent, significant values of da/a. The analyses of low- and high-z systems rely on different ions/transitions with very different dependencies on alpha, yet they also give consistent results. We identify additional random errors in 22 high-z systems characterized by transitions with a large dynamic range in apparent optical depth. Increasing the statistical errors on da/a for these systems gives our fiducial result, a weighted mean da/a=(-0.543+/-0.116)x10^-5, representing 4.7-sigma evidence for a smaller weighted mean alpha in the absorption clouds. Assuming that da/a=0 at z_abs=0, the data marginally prefer a linear increase in alpha with time: dota/a=(6.40+/-1.35)x10^-16 yr^-1. The two-point correlation function for alpha is consistent with zero over 0.2-13 Gpc comoving scales and the angular distribution of da/a shows no significant dipolar anisotropy. We therefore have no evidence for spatial variations in da/a. We extend our previous searches for possible systematic errors, identifying atmospheric dispersion and isotopic structure effects as potentially the most significant. However, overall, known systematic errors do not explain the results. Future many-multiplet analyses of QSO spectra from different telescopes and spectrographs will provide a now crucial check on our Keck/HIRES results.Comment: 31 pages, 25 figures (29 EPS files), 8 tables. Accepted by MNRAS. Colour versions of Figs. 6, 8 & 10 and text version of Table 3 available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~mim/pub.htm